Indicted Air Force Veteran and Proud Boy AJ Fischer spoke to the Gateway Pundit via video conference regarding the video he released to us that provides proof that the leaders of the Proud Boy drinking fraternity did not commit seditious conspiracy or plan on going inside the Capitol on the day of January 6th, 2021.
Rather, the “seditious conspiracy” planning meeting the Biden Regime alluded to in multiple indictments and court filings was more like a disorganized Zoom frat meeting of locker room chatter, planning for self defense against violent Antifa attacks and discussion on how to stay out of trouble and sober the day of the January 6th rally.
Please see our exclusive interview with AJ Fischer here as he awaits trial from home:
Fischer was in the Zoom meeting as a viewer in real time as Proud Boy Chairman Enrique Tarrio gave generalized directives to stay out of trouble and never to breach police lines.
“Be defensive, never offensive,” said Tarrio. Stay away from “normies” (non-Proud Boys) to avoid aggravation. A buddy system when going to “take a leak” was also adamantly stressed so nobody got lost from the group. “Avoid getting stabbed (by Antifa), that sh*t hurts,” a member chimed in. (Multiple Proud Boys were stabbed by Antifa members at the Million Maga March Rally on December 12th, 2020.)
When asked why he released the video, Fischer said:
“Proud Boys like Ethan Nordean, Joe Biggs, and others have been in jail in solitary confinement for a year and a half. When I got out of jail I found out they had been indicted with seditious conspiracy. I knew this video existed and that those charges were bogus. I felt I needed to do something because they are innocent and this video could prove that. They are Patriots, not Seditionists, and they deserve to be freed.”
Help Air Force Vet AJ Fischer with his legal expenses for his upcoming trial here.

AJ Fischer- Air Force Veteran, Indicted J6er & member of the Proud Boys drinking fraternity.
According to his GivesSendGo page, Fischer joined the Air force at 19, went through rigorous specialized training (including SERE training) and was a member of the Air Force Honor Guard. For the majority of Fischer’s military career, he was a part of combat and evacuation missions in the Middle East, including Operation Enduring Freedom, Operation Freedom’s Sentinel, Operation Inherent Resolve (against ISIS forces) & Operation United Assistance combatting the Ebola virus epidemic in West Africa. In addition, Fischer regularly coordinated with the Secret Service & the Marine One helicopter crew as he was the primary supervisor on various POTUS movements throughout the world.

Air Force Veteran AJ Fischer flies an aircraft.
Help Air Force Vet AJ Fischer with his legal expenses here for his upcoming trial.
With the help of Fischer, we exclusively published the Proud Boy’s full “Ministry of Self Defense” meeting last week.
Here it is in case you missed it:
According to Fischer in our video interview:
“Leftist agitators come. They bring weapons, they bring knives and they intend to hurt people who are peacefully assembling…so the Proud Boys, as always, show up to rallies to protect people. The creation of the MoSD chapter was to prevent 4 stabbings from happening again at the following rally.”
There was no plan, other than to defend people, save lives, confer and get a consensus on what medical equipment we would bring if anyone was injured or stabbed again. And then to have a good time, have some drinks with the boys, and have a rally. This is a rally chapter that was created to standardize the operations of the social club in order to keep everyone safe.
This shows the planning and the creation of the MoSD chapter was actually to save lives. It was to prevent people being stabbed and killed.
There’s good men locked up in solitary confinement, their trials aren’t even set. And they’re being punished—they’re being sentenced, prior to their own trial.
There is precedent for charges being dismissed because of tainted jury pools. This has happened in American courts. The unselect committee is running a trial right now without the defendants being able to defend themselves. This is Stalin-esque- this is not America. They are tainting the jury pool and there is absolutely no reason why they should be able to do this—and there’s no reason why these charges should not be dismissed. This is a sham, this is a circus, and this is a violation of their rights and wholly unconstitutional.

Air Force Vet AJ Fischer in uniform.
Unfortunately in a lot of these leftist liberal cities, the police—I guess they’re on orders from the Mayors to stand down. I’ve seen tons of footage of grandmothers or mothers or families being attacked, and the police are standing there lined up against a building just watching. At some point people have to stand up, and that’s what the Proud Boys have done. We still are a men’s drinking club, but we stand up for free speech. And if you want to abuse a granny in the street, hopefully there’s not a Proud Boy there who is going to defend her.

AJ Miller in the United States Air Force.
One of the biggest things that Enrique says, and why he picked certain guys to be a part of this group- is because when we had 1000 members at the December 12th rally, it was a little chaotic. There were guys running off after Antifa, and he says multiple times we need guys that have throttle control” … ”If we have a chaotic rally like we did last time, we might have another four people stabbed and they might die.”
The [The MoSD] has been completely fabricated as some type of mission planning for some nefarious criminal activity, but the Zoom call totally exonerates them- there is nothing in that call that shows there was any plan to go stop a certification of a vote, do a crime or storm the capitol. Nothing.
If anyone watches the video for themselves, they will see it clear as day. This is just a lie.
The truth is people showed up to a protest and a rally like any other… and people were attacked by police—and it was violent and it was horrific. You can read some of my testimony that I shared with the Gateway Pundit, what I witnessed and you can watch the J6 truth documentary and see. There was no plan. They incited what the media ended up calling a riot. And that was the Capitol police and the DC police. There was no intention to do any crime, to break any laws, and I think the truth will come out. It’s coming out. It’s going to be like an avalanche for these prosecutors, these congressmen, who are just lying and putting on a sham trial. A spectacle for everyone to watch. They’re going to lose. Truth wins, God wins.“

AJ Fischer, Air Force veteran & Indicted J6er.
Interestingly, Proud Boy Leader Enrique Tarrio was nabbed and arrested entering Washington DC on January 5th for burning a Black Lives Matter flag almost a month earlier. He was banned from DC on January 6th and unable to attend the protest with his club.
Because of this arrest, the rowdy Proud Boys were left without their level-headed leader at the last minute on January 6th- a leader who had adamantly instructed them to stay together, out of trouble and away from the Capitol. He was not allowed to legally enter DC that day to lead the others in their plan to stay away from the Capitol.
“I think without Tarrio there to lead, some of the others just wandered off and got caught up in the emotion of the day with the rest of the crowd,” said Tina Ryan of Citizens Against Political Persecution. “Like many others, they fell into the trap set by alleged Feds and infiltrators and the rest is history. One is left wondering if it was part of a nefarious plan to take out Tarrio from the equation that day.”
The Biden Regime- including the DOJ, the FBI, the January 6th Unselect Misinformation Committee, the Mainstream Media, the two houses of Congress, Big Tech and multiple Hollywood minions- continue to allude to the baseless conspiracy theory that a drinking fraternity (the Proud Boys) somehow magically assisted President Trump in an “insurrection” and were planning the attack on the Capitol since December 19th, 2020.
This Zoom meeting, recorded on December 30th, proves that the Proud Boys did nothing of the sort. Still, these entities continue to shamelessly spread this misinformation everywhere as they destroy real people’s lives.
In fact, this proves that the only “conspirators” are Liz Cheney and her fake Democrat friends in their attempt to frame fellow Americans for crimes that did not commit in order to stay in power.
“Liz Cheney is a rotten apple that fell off a rotten old tree,” said Tina Ryan of Citizens Against Political Persecution. “Her father was behind The Patriot Act. Now she is following in his footsteps by calling Americans citizens domestic terrorists and using that narrative to push for more legislation to take away the rest of our Constitutional Rights. Shame on that rhinoceros.”
She continued:
“The Proud Boys and the Oath Keepers have become fall guys that the Regime is using in their relentless pursuit of President Trump and the fictional “Insurrection” narrative. The government continues to attack the Second Amendment by persecuting groups like the Proud Boys and Oath Keepers and naming them “militias”. They want to snuff out anything that vaguely resembles a militia in this country and use groups like these as fall guys to illustrate what will happen if a real Constitutional militia should ever organize the way the Founding Fathers intended- as a check and balance. That is why it is so important to support guys like AJ Fischer who was brave enough to release this video and speak out. He is awaiting his own trial for January 6th alleged crimes, therefore taking a risk with the retaliatory Department of Injustice. That takes real courage.“
Help AJ Fischer here by donating to his GiveSendGo Legal Defense Fund.
*Here is the full unedited video of the “Ministry of Self Defense” video. We here at the Gateway Pundit are dedicated to the truth and transparency. You are free to to watch the one hour and 38 minute planning meeting and judge for yourself if this was “Seditious Conspiracy.” Let us know what you think in the comments below.

Cara Castronuova
Cara Castronuova is a co-Founder of C.A.P.P. (Citizens Against Political Persecution and The People’s January 6th Commission. She is an Activist, Investigative Journalist, 2-Time Boxing Champion, Celebrity Fitness Trainer and Television Personality. You can watch her on Newsmax at 10PM EST every Saturday night on “Wiseguys”. You can follow her on & Twitter or Instagram @CaraCastronuova. She is currently banned on Fakebook & suing them for defamation of character. You can contact her via the C.A.P.P. website at or if you have any tips or would like to volunteer. She is also running for New York State Assembly (
“I Can Do All Things Through Christ Who Strengthens Me.” Phil 4:13.