Robert Sesselmann schreibt in #Sonneberg @AfD-Partei-Geschichte ???? ???????? #nurnochAfD #Stolzmonat
— Jochen der Rochen (@Jochen_d_Rochen) June 26, 2023
The German right-wing Alternative for Germany (AfD) party won their first major local majority Sunday in East Germany. As the government’s disastrous far-left policies drive more and more voters to the partiotic Alternative, Interior Minister Nancy Faeser now wants to ban the second-most popular party in Germany.
Despite all other parties allying against him, lawyer Robert Sesselmann won the County Commissioner’s chair in Sonneberg in East German Thuringia with 52.8% of the vote in regional by-elections. “People want to send a signal with their vote, not just elect a commissioner in Germany’s tiniest county”, Sesselmann told Junge Freiheit.

As Germany is hit by recession and spiralling energy costs, more and more voters have turned to the patriotic Alternative for Germany (AfD) party founded 2013 as a protest party against the bank bailouts and Euro currency. When Angela Merkel threw the German borders open in 2015 and invited more that 2 million illegal migrants in, the AfD became the only party opposing mass illegal migration. In 2017, they were voted into the Bundestag parliament with 12.6% of the vote. In 2019, Gateway Pundit awarded the Eagle Award to AfD MP Petr Bystron, a Czech refugee from communism.
The German left-wing government responded by sending the secret police and taxpayer-funded Antifa goons after the AfD, as Gateway Pundit had predicted 2018. Yesterday, Antifa-friendly Interior Minister Nancy Faeser announced she would seek to have the second-most popular party in Germany banned.