In a surprising twist, Orpheus, Evan, Kristen, Gwen, and Dr. Rolf were all sprung from prison and let loose on Salem!
Our TV Fanatics, Jack and Christine, are joined by Kathy from MyHourglass, a Days of Our Lives fan forum, to debate the shocking pardons, if Evan will get Shawn Christian, will Brady try to keep Rachel from Kristen, and who really killed Abigail!

Orpheus, Evan, Kristen, Dr. Rolf, and Gwen got full pardons and were released from prison! Rate this twist from 1 (I hate it) to 10 (This is awesome!)
Kathy: 7 or 8. It’s not surprising that Orpheus had a plan to get out with his son. I wonder what tasks Kristen has in store for Dr. Rolf and Gwen? The use of the governor was a nice twist.
Jack: I’ll give it a 4. Orpheus has always been one of my favorite villains, but he’s been misused in schemes that are far beneath him lately.
Plus, this whole thing is so goofy. I find it hard to believe the governor would not only be blackmailed into releasing Orpheus and his son but would also accept a second call from Orpheus to add three more people to the pardon list.
And I’m still at a loss as to why Orpheus needed to listen to Kristen. If he and Evan were free and she was still in jail, he should have been able to handle her! And there was no reason to release Gwen that I can think of. Let her rot in jail while Kristen escapes.
I’m not a big Kristen fan, but at least Kristen and Rolf’s getting pardons together makes sense. That said, I’m looking forward to seeing what Orpheus gets up to this time (I couldn’t care less about the rest of them.) And I’m glad that Shawn knows the baby might not be his.
Christine: I’m giving it a 7. I didn’t see this coming, and the shot of all five of them strolling out of prison was super-villain-type fun.
Now we get to see the chaos that ensues as Kristen and Brady go head to head over Rachel, Evan attempts to reclaim his son from Shawn, and goodness knows what Orpheus has planned!
Overall, it’s just a great summer storyline twist that should wreak havoc on Salem for weeks to come.
If the baby is Evan’s will Shawn hand him over? Should he?
Kathy: Shawn should let the courts determine who gets the baby. I don’t think Evan has the smarts to raise a child.
Jack: This is tough only because Shawn has bonded with the baby at this point. Legally, if the baby is Evan’s, he has a right to him unless a judge determines otherwise.
The thing is, Evan will eventually end up back in jail either for a new crime or when it’s discovered that Orpheus forced the governor to pardon him. What will happen to the baby then, with his mother MIA and presumed dead and his father in jail?
Christine: Ugh. Evan is an idiot, but even idiots are allowed to be parents. If the child is biologically his and he’s been fully exonerated of his crimes, I don’t think Shawn will have any choice but to hand him over.
And even if something happens to Evan, if Orpheus is still free, then as the biological grandfather, he probably still has more rights to the child than Shawn. Unfortunately, the future doesn’t look very bright for little Shawn Christian.
Now that Kristen has been pardoned, will Brady try to keep her from Rachel?
Kathy: I think Brady will try to keep Rachel in California for a while. Shane will be a good protector. I’m sure Kristen will eventually find a way to see her daughter.
Jack: I wondered if the real reason he let Rachel stay in California was to keep her far away from Kristen. Now that Kristen is free, she will stop at nothing to get her child, and I’m worried about what she will do.
Brady should never have told her where Rachel was, and now he may not have much choice about her interactions with Kristen.
Christine: He shouldn’t. Kristen is Rachel’s mother and has the legal right to spend time with her child. And it appears Rachel loves her mother because she’s been asking for her and sent her that Valentine.
If Brady’s smart, which he isn’t, he should try to come to some sort of agreement with Kristen where she gets to be a part of Rachel’s life. If he doesn’t, this will turn into an ugly battle because we all know that Kristen isn’t about to walk away from her kid.
Johnny proposed to Chanel. Allie punched Johnny. Should Chanel choose either of the twins?
Kathy: I don’t think either of the twins are good partner material. I hope Chanel takes a few steps back to consider her options. Staying single is an option.
Jack: I think she should forget them both. They’re not respecting her boundaries, and that’s a huge red flag. She should find someone who loves and respects her and sees her as more than a prize to be won to beat out their sibling!
Christine: Yeah, the twins can be real brats. That said, they do make me believe they are actual siblings.
But Chanel shouldn’t feel forced to choose either one of them. They could all use some time on their own.
Chanel was put through hell by both Allie and Johnny. She should take a few months to decompress away from them. Then perhaps what she really wants will be a little more clear.
Lucas supposedly saw Sarah at the Dimera mansion the night Abigail was killed. Do you think Sarah murdered Abigail?
Kathy: I don’t think Sarah murdered Abigail. There are a few more layers to unravel in this mystery.
Jack: I did, but now I don’t. My prediction is that Kristen murdered Abigail, and then Gwen showed up in a Sarah mask, planning to do it. That would explain “Sarah” running down the stairs in such a hurry.
If the object she dropped was a knife, Gwen might have been stupid enough to pull the knife out of Abigail and take it away with her.
Christine: No, I don’t think it was Sarah. I’m guessing it was Gwen in a Sarah mask as she probably snuck out of prison to get revenge on the sister she hated.
Kristen is another possibility, but I don’t know why she’d want Abigail dead. Although, if Abigail caught her sneaking around the mansion, there could have been a struggle that led to Abigail’s murder. But there’s clearly more to this story, and I’m looking forward to seeing how it unfolds.
Jada Hunter, Dr. Marcus Hunter’s daughter, arrived in Salem and is the new detective with the Salem PD. What do you think of her so far?
Kathy: Too soon to tell. I thought she handled Sarah’s interview well. Plus, she took notes.
Jack: I like her so far. Unlike the rest of the Salem PD, she seems competent as a police officer. I hope Rafe doesn’t fall for her, though, as I want him and Nicole to stay together.
Christine: I like her. While she interviewed Sarah, it was clear that she’s more competent than most of the Salem PD. She asked pertinent questions, gave Sarah time to answer, and took notes.
I’m hoping there might be sparks between Jada and Chanel. They could be Salem’s newest hot couple.
What, if anything, disappointed you this week in Salem?
Kathy: I was disappointed that Sarah and Xander’s wedding was interrupted. I was also disappointed that Gwen showed up in their lives.
Jack: This was one of the better weeks, but I wish JJ had been written properly and been given more to do. He’s been blacked-out drunk before; he should have understood what Lucas was going through.
(And wasn’t JJ arrested for Deimos’ murder when he had no memory of what had happened because of the spiked drinks?) I’d rather JJ and Lucas team up to find the real killer.
Also, while I’m glad that Lucas has been exonerated, the explanation of what he did at the mansion was silly. He had a bottle of tequila in his hand that was only half drunk, so why did he need to fix any drink at the bar? And why cut lemons in that state?
Finally, I wish the governor had had a backbone and that Paulina and Abe’s flirtation with Abe running for governor was a real story and not just a plot point to get to Orpheus blackmailing the governor.
Christine: Why would Rafe call Chad to say they have a new suspect before interviewing Sarah? To rile Chad up some more! If he doesn’t want Chad interfering in the investigation, then perhaps Rafe shouldn’t give him all the information he needs to do just that.
So Lucas cut his hand while slicing a lemon, but no one noticed blood at the mini-bar? If Lucas was that drunk, he likely would have left bloody lemons behind. Did Harold clean it up and forget to mention it to the police?
What was your favorite quote, scene, or storyline on this week’s Days of Our Lives?
Kathy: I was glad to see that Belle and Shawn started to talk about their problems.
Jack: I laughed hysterically at Orpheus saying he was going to be a model citizen. Does he even know what those words mean?
Christine: There were lots of little moments that made me laugh. Kristen’s version of Oprah as she proclaimed, “You get a pardon, and you get a pardon. Everybody gets a pardon!” was cute.
When Rafe told Orpheus, he’s got his eye on him. Yeah, I’m sure Orpheus was shaking in his boots.
As I wasn’t expecting Sarah and Xander’s quickie wedding to go off, I wasn’t disappointed when it didn’t, but I did love how the two of them leaned on one another throughout the debacle.
Your turn, Days fans. Click that SHOW COMMENTS button below to give us your round table answers. Then check out Jack Ori’s Days of Our Lives review here at TV Fanatic.
C. Orlando is a TV Fanatic Staff Writer. Follow her on Twitter.