Comedian Ricky Gervais cracked up “Late Night” host Seth Meyers and himself Thursday in a riff on full-body transplants. (Watch the video below.)
Gervais pondered a future when his head could be preserved and placed on the body of his choice.
“Statistically, I will get a bigger penis,” he said. “It won’t be mine.”
Meyers asked him how long it would take to get accustomed to a different penis.
“I wouldn’t be comfortable, although it wouldn’t be my hand either,” Gervais replied. “So I just close my eyes. I just go with the feeling.”
He and Meyers shared a few hearty laughs during the exchange.
“If that’s the last hurdle for science, I hope they watch this,” the host said.
Fast-forward to 5:00 for the transplant talk: